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Thursday, 28 August 2014

WinDbg : the !sysinfo Command

WinDbg : !sysinfo

The !sysinfo extension command helps us mine a horde of information regarding the system the dump was generated in. Here are some examples.

0: kd> !sysinfo
!sysinfo [ cpuinfo | cpumicrocode | cpuspeed | gbl | machineid | registers | smbios ] [-csv | -noheaders]
0: kd> !sysinfo machineid
Machine ID Information [From Smbios 2.4, DMIVersion 0, Size=11074]
BiosMajorRelease = 4
BiosMinorRelease = 6
FirmwareMajorRelease = 0
FirmwareMinorRelease = 0
BiosVendor = Phoenix Technologies LTD
BiosVersion = 6.00
BiosReleaseDate = 07/12/2011
SystemManufacturer = VMware, Inc.
SystemProductName = VMware Virtual Platform
SystemVersion = None
BaseBoardManufacturer = Intel Corporation
BaseBoardProduct = 440BX Desktop Reference Platform
BaseBoardVersion = None

This above command will tell you if it is a virtual machine or not.As an exercise try out the other commands to see what other information is given.

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