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Thursday, 28 August 2014

WinDbg : Expression evaluators, the .expr, ?, ?? Commands and friends

WinDbg : .expr, ?, ??

WinDbg understands two different type of expressions. MASM and C++. We need to set the debugger to the current mode to evaluate expressions. To find out the current mode the debugger is running in, use the .expr command.

kd> .expr

Current expression evaluator: MASM - Microsoft Assembler expressions

To set the debugger to use c++ evaluator instead use the /s switch.

kd>  .expr /s c++
Current expression evaluator: C++ - C++ source expressions

kd>  .expr /s masm 

Current expression evaluator: MASM - Microsoft Assembler expressions

To evaluate an expression use the ? command.

kd> ? 5 + 5

Evaluate expression: 10 = 0000000a

kd> ? 10 + 5

Evaluate expression: 21 = 00000015

The debugger is by default in hex mode. Hence the expression above is treated as 10h and not 10 decimal.

To quickly check the value of a literal in hex and decimal format.

kd> ? 0x3628

Evaluate expression: 13864 = 00003628

The .formats command can also be used instead.

The ?? is the C++ style expression evaluator for WinDBg. It helps us pass C++ style syntaxes for evaluation and output even though the current expression evaluation mode might be set to MASM. 

The below example shows how to quickly find the size of a structure inside of WinDbg.

kd> ?? sizeof(nt!_KPRCB)
unsigned int 0x3628

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